Application for Plan Review, Exterior Addition or Modification Fence/Out Building/Pools/Hot Tubs/Landscape/Swings
Before filling out please read your Covenants, Conditions, & Restrictions and any amendments for your community. Request must be submitted or delivered to Management Company.
KSPM- 909 Norman Alley, Conway SC 29526 Fax 843-488- 5559
ARB applications are processed on Tuesdays and Thursdays, turnaround time varies per Development (minimum 60 days).
Applications are subject to change; check the shared document tab in your portal.
You may PRINT an application from shared documents via your portal
IMPORTANT: You must submit engineered plans or a sketch of the proposed plan, addition or modification describing location on the property, dimensions and style. YOU MUST SHOW YOUR PROPERTY LINES
and all measurements from your property lines. Homeowner is responsible for any additional plan approval from any outside easement holders. Homeowner is responsible for proper acknowledgement of property lines. If all documents and information are NOT provided your, submittal will be DENIED. Please make sure all required information is submitted.